

Is the Requirement to Attend Town Meeting Unintended Voter Suppression?

Westford’s new committee [to Study Ways to Increase Attendance at Town Meeting] should focus its energy on developing an implementable plan to enable citizens to vote on the warrant without attending town meeting.

What does the Grey Ghost have in common with housing bylaws? | What’s New, Westford? #2

Sean Kelly, School Board Representative and WCAT board member, joins Joyce Pellino Crane and show producer Steve Edwards to discuss what's new in Westford. Episodes will also include a hot topic with a broader reach - national or international.

COMMENTARY: Masks are Right Choice Given Circumstances

The level of [COVID-19] community transmission in Middlesex County is in the second highest category...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: An Open Letter To The Westford School Community

After speaking recently with other Westford parents it has become apparent that I’m hardly alone in my frustration and disappointment with the School Department’s serious consideration to submit to the latest CDC (Centers For Disease Control and Prevention) guidelines by reinstating compulsory masking as a condition to attend our public schools this September – even as the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has not required municipalities to do so and while many other localities have rejected the waffling federal guidance.

CHERYL A. MAJOR: How She Overcame Depression

Did you know that in this country, over 20 percent of women over the age of 40 are taking some sort of prescription drug for depression and/or anxiety?  You may be one of them; I was, too.  Conquering depression was a huge victory for me.

Is the Requirement to Attend Town Meeting Unintended Voter Suppression?

Westford’s new committee [to Study Ways to Increase Attendance at Town Meeting] should focus its energy on developing an implementable plan to enable citizens to vote on the warrant without attending town meeting.

What does the Grey Ghost have in common with housing bylaws? | What’s New, Westford? #2

Sean Kelly, School Board Representative and WCAT board member, joins Joyce Pellino Crane and show producer Steve Edwards to discuss what's new in Westford. Episodes will also include a hot topic with a broader reach - national or international.

COMMENTARY: Masks are Right Choice Given Circumstances

The level of [COVID-19] community transmission in Middlesex County is in the second highest category...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: An Open Letter To The Westford School Community

After speaking recently with other Westford parents it has become apparent that I’m hardly alone in my frustration and disappointment with the School Department’s serious consideration to submit to the latest CDC (Centers For Disease Control and Prevention) guidelines by reinstating compulsory masking as a condition to attend our public schools this September – even as the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has not required municipalities to do so and while many other localities have rejected the waffling federal guidance.

CHERYL A. MAJOR: How She Overcame Depression

Did you know that in this country, over 20 percent of women over the age of 40 are taking some sort of prescription drug for depression and/or anxiety?  You may be one of them; I was, too.  Conquering depression was a huge victory for me.

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